Our Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.30pm on the 18th March and due to COVID restrictions will be an online AGM held on the “Zoom” platform. We hope for a record turnout this year (given that there’s not much else to do at present!). If you are attending can you please contact Tracey Smith who will send you the meeting login details.

At our AGM we will report on all Club activities and financial position from the previous year, current and future plans and elect our Club Officers.

This is our initial agenda.

Annual General Meeting

Date: 18th March 2021 @ 7.30pm


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of last AGM

3. Chairman’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Election of Officers/Committee

1. President
2. Chairman
3. Vice-chairman
4. Honorary Secretary
5. Honorary Treasurer
6. Welfare Officer
7. Membership secretary
8. Committee Members

6. Election of Vice Presidents

7. Appointment of independent examiner

8. Membership Subscriptions

9. Any other business
(Notified to Honorary Secretary in advance)